Saturday, 29 July 2017


What is Prokaryotic cell ;

The Prokaryotic ( pro - primitive or before ; Martin - nucleus ) are small , simple and most primitive. They are probably the first to come into existence perhaps 3.5 billion years ago. 

The Prokaryotic cell are the most primitive cell from the morphology point of view.

They occur in the bacteria.

A Prokaryotic cell is essentially a one - envelope system organized in depth.

It consists of central nuclear components ( DNA , RNA and nuclear proteins ) surrounded by cytoplasmic ground substance, with the whole enveloped by a plasma membrane.

Neither the Nuclear apparatus nor the respiratory enzyme system are separately enclosed by membranes, although the inner surface of the plasma membrane itself may serve for enzyme attachment. 

The cytoplasm of a Prokaryotic cell lacks in well defined cytoplasmic organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus , Mitochondria , centrioles , ect . 

In the nutshell,the Prokaryotic cells are distinguished from the eukaryotic cells primarily on the basis of what they lack, and any other cytoplasmic membrane.

They also do not contain Nucleic , cytoskeleton , controlled and basal bodies.

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Lipids; It is saturated and unsaturated. Saturated; Milk, butter, coconut oil , phone oil. Unsaturated; Butter, margarine