Tuesday 1 August 2017


Industrial Biotechnology simple notes ;
Media preparation providing of microorganisms substrate for product production.

Fermentation - Fermenter

Conversion of sugar - alcohol,acid,gas
Alcohol - wine
Acid - glucose
Gas - Carbon dioxide

Fermeter - is a device in which the cultivated and motivated to produce a derived product.
Upstream - harvest of product from media and purification.
Downstream - provides media, substrate, microorganisms - for the production of product.

To learn about various bio process and engineering techniques and is important in industries.

Reduction of energy consumption as well as pollution and waste generation for product.

Benefits ;
Develop new products.
Improve industrial process Replacement of petroleum based feedstock.
Improved product quantity.

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Lipids; It is saturated and unsaturated. Saturated; Milk, butter, coconut oil , phone oil. Unsaturated; Butter, margarine